Embodying Our Stories

I realized that I get caught up in the stories of my past and the stories about what has yet to occur. And behind those stories are a myriad of emotions we are also experiencing within the body.

These emotions exist in the present moment, in our bodies.

And because I am quite masterful in telling these stories about myself to myself, I forget that the emotions underneath the story are actually trying to tell me something. Emotions are neither "good" or "bad", they are fundamentally information so we can be aware of our experience. It is not something to avoid, it is an opportunity for a real human experience. It is telling us something important is happening to my well being.

So in telling a story, we forget to notice what we're actually feeling. So it's of tremendous importance to notice when you begin telling yourself the same story.

When that happens, stop, and take a few deep breaths into your belly & chest to slow down and get into your body.

Notice where you feel it. Is it a sensation? Pulsation? Vibration? Soreness? Pain? What’s its temp? Take note of that.

As a tip, avoid weasel words like "stressed" or "anxious". These are very different from "I feel confused" or "I feel rushed" which are far more precise. This invites us to observe the emotional granularities that are available for us to notice.

We all know when we get too heady by intellectualization/story. This keeps unmetabolized emotions to live within the body. So much of the ills and suffering in life comes from our inability to release stresses and forces within us, we rebel inside and we hold onto this rejection. This builds stress which, Dr. Wilhelm Reich showed (a psychologist/scientist who studied under Freud and discovered a life force called “orgone” aka Life Force Energy, prana, chi, etc.), becomes locked in the body as muscular tension, and if not unlocked, depletes the body’s energy field and alters its biology and chemistry.

Learn to expand your emotional vocabulary so that you can develop an awareness of the sensations and feelings and which emotion or combination of emotions they could represent.

With Light,


Daniel Bilog