The Medicine Within

In the Western world, medicines are called drugs. We are prescribed synthesized replications derived from nature. Isolated chemistry. We medicate to heal symptoms, not the underlying issue which is fundamentally energetic: Psychically, spiritually, physically, mentally, generationally.

In other parts of the world, medicine is sacred. Their studies, their practice spans thousands of years. Some of this knowledge is lost or forgotten, others misunderstood when applied within the context of modern science.

Yet medicine is whole. It is not just popping a pill or downing some herbs. Medicine is connection with Source. Whether that be Jesus, or God, Higher Beings, Ancestors, or a Knowing that we are but an image of Spirit. A copy of the Whole. A child of the Universe. A child of Mother Earth.

Medicine is also prayer.
Medicine is breath.
Medicine is communication with Self.
Medicine is receiving.
Medicine is giving.
Medicine is community.
Singing is medicine.
Meditation is medicine.
Ceremony is medicine.
Being outdoors in nature is medicine.
Water is medicine.
Nourishing foods is medicine.
Light is medicine.
The shadow-self is medicine.
Balance is medicine.
Moderation is medicine.
Children are medicine.
Joy is medicine.
Deep sadness is medicine.
Connecting with another on the Heart level is medicine.
Making love is medicine.
Saying “Thank you” is medicine.
Being thankful is medicine.
Listening is medicine.
Walking is medicine.
Movement is medicine.
Rest is medicine.
Attention is medicine.
History is medicine.
Shouting is medicine.
Silence is medicine.
Love is medicine.

And don’t forget: You are your own medicine. [breathe in, hold]
I am my own medicine.
[breathe out]
I remember. Now.

Many blessings,

Daniel Bilog